Round 808 Call Of Duty 2: Deathmatch
Call Of Duty 2: Toujane

Friendly FireOff
Kill Cam
Time Played07:11
Team Kills0
# Player Score Skill Kills Deaths Suicides Team
Main Weapon
1 ojac 25.5 98.0 49 24 0 0 06:57
Call Of Duty 2: KAR98K Sniper
Leaving The Battlefield Early Soldiers?
# Player Score Skill Kills Deaths Suicides Team
Main Weapon
1 brlee-NO SOUND 21.0 88.0 44 23 0 0 06:51
Call Of Duty 2: KAR98K
2 [< T N F >] Blinde 13.0 78.0 39 26 0 0 06:53
Call Of Duty 2: KAR98K
3 sed 11.0 80.0 40 29 0 0 06:39
Call Of Duty 2: KAR98K Sniper
4 Phoenix|TDM|8.8 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:14
5 Mpifteki #635 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
6 FicFer 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
7 RedorDEad 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
8 wearehaxorz X toni__ 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
9 ?jrd! 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
10 Ljesnjak 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
11 Lada -1.0 14.0 7 8 0 0 02:03
Call Of Duty 2: KAR98K
12 Vori -5.0 42.0 21 26 0 0 06:53
Call Of Duty 2: Enfield
13 |Toujane|Junak 547 -6.0 8.0 4 10 0 0 06:41
Call Of Duty 2: Mosin Nagant
14 ^^Ogringo -9.0 40.0 20 29 0 0 06:46
Call Of Duty 2: Springfield
15 Xcite|PasTiR -10.0 14.0 7 17 0 0 02:41
Call Of Duty 2: Mosin Nagant
16 Kameni^1*^2Momak/^0CikaDR -16.0 16.0 8 24 0 0 06:52
Call Of Duty 2: KAR98K
17 Dinko the Machine Gunner -23.0 18.0 9 32 0 0 06:44
Call Of Duty 2: KAR98K
Vori Ojec
Vori Buy a life
Dinko the Machine Gunner 1
ojac i have a job
ojac and i get paid 5k euros a month
Dinko the Machine Gunner but not a life
ojac and you?
Dinko the Machine Gunner yeah right
Dinko the Machine Gunner dobut it
Dinko the Machine Gunner doubt
ojac ok cool
Dinko the Machine Gunner prove it
ojac to a nonamer?
ojac on the internet?
Dinko the Machine Gunner I have a name
Dinko the Machine Gunner Dinko
Dinko the Machine Gunner can I see your balance sheet
Dinko the Machine Gunner is 5000 euro after or before taxes?
ojac before
Dinko the Machine Gunner then you earn less ok
Vori 5000 euróért baszod a kecskéket
Dinko the Machine Gunner how much is the tax?
ojac 500 euros
Dinko the Machine Gunner is health insurance included in this ?
ojac y
Dinko the Machine Gunner so you earn 4500 net
Dinko the Machine Gunner right ?
ojac y
Dinko the Machine Gunner ok that is impressive
Dinko the Machine Gunner what do u do?
Dinko the Machine Gunner well done btw
sed dieee