Rounds162 Play Time18:31:55   
Score198 (1.22) Skill8456 (52.20) Ratio1.05
Kills4228 Deaths4032 Suicides0
Kill Streak14 Death Streak12 Team Kills0

# Top Victims You
2 Squall 94
3 Staeni91 82
4 S!CK 64
5 RutioDon 60
6 GoldAim 48
7 UCGEN 46
8 [B*S]^0 Ra* 42
9 Safara 41
10 |Toujane|Junak 409 40
# Top Enemies Killed
1 S!CK 96
2 Staeni91 77
3 mieteQ 75
4 RutioDon 70
5 [B*S]^0 Ra* 59
6 etr gu4S 54
7 Avengers 52
8 jet 51
9 Squall 49
10 'aKuma.ClanFan|69 46
# Top Weapons Kills
Call Of Duty 2: Mosin Nagant
Call Of Duty 2: Bash
Call Of Duty 2: Webley
Call Of Duty 2: Springfield Unscoped

# Location Kills
1 Call Of Duty 2: Stomach 1822
2 Call Of Duty 2: Head 1077
3 Call Of Duty 2: Chest 974
4 Call Of Duty 2: Neck 121
5 Call Of Duty 2: Right Bicep 100
6 Call Of Duty 2: Left Bicep 71
7 Call Of Duty 2: Right Thigh 32
8 Call Of Duty 2: Left Thigh 15
9 Call Of Duty 2: Right Forearm 7
10 Call Of Duty 2: Left Forearm 4

Last 1000 Quotes
Ciao da Born to kill
only lagg
. mi hai visto da km stop
198 ping lagg
450 ping lagg
camper del cazzo spero ti muoi il cane
fanculo 1000 colpi a vuoto porco del dio
fatevi fottere voi e i vostri cazzo di trucchi poveretti nabbi del cazzo
fqanculo dio porco
lagg porco dio
lagga tutto ping del cazzo
lascia stare togli quei trucchi che rovini il gioco
lascia strare
ma dai sei un fantasma
ma non mori manco a pagare
ma vai a fanculo lagg di merda
non era per te ci mancherebbe è sto server che lagga da schifo
non mori m,anco a pagare
non mori mai
only lagg bhoooo
ping 150
ping 700
stein lagg
sto server e ingiocabile
stop cheats
stop wh


Call Of Duty 2: Deathmatch
Best Score 34.5 Round 4381
Worst Score -22.0 Round 3461
Most Skillful 98.0 Round 3498
Least Skillful 0.0 Round 3631
Longest Streaks
  #Ended By In Round
Kill 14   [HUN]Zoli   4381
Death 12   ^VaginalnaInfekcija   3363
Rounds Played
03354 03355 03356 03357 03358 03359 03360 03361 03362 03363 03364 03365 03410 03411 03449 03450 03451 03452 03453 03454 03455 03456 03457 03458 03459 03460 03461 03475 03476 03477 03478 03495 03496 03497 03498 03499 03500 03519 03529 03530 03531 03532 03533 03534 03535 03536 03537 03538 03550 03551 03552 03618 03619 03620 03621 03622 03623 03624 03625 03626 03627 03628 03629 03630 03631 03675 03676 03677 03678 03679 03680 03681 03785 03786 03787 03788 03789 03790 03791 03792 03793 03794 03841 03842 03843 03844 03845 03860 03878 03896 03897 03898 03912 03913 03914 03915 03948 03949 03950 03964 03965 03966 04021 04022 04023 04024 04048 04049 04050 04086 04117 04118 04119 04120 04121 04122 04123 04124 04125 04126 04127 04166 04167 04168 04253 04254 04255 04333 04334 04335 04336 04337 04367 04368 04369 04370 04371 04372 04381 04382 04383 04384 04385 04386 04387 04404 04405 04406 04515 04516 04605 04606 04607 04608 04609 04950 04951 04952 04953 04954 04955 04956